All About Hair

213 Confronting Thinning Hair: Personal Journeys, Scientific Insights, and Empowering Solutions

Danise Keilitz Season 4 Episode 213

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Struggling with thinning hair can feel like a solo journey, but it's a battle many of us face, including me. Through my voyage of discovery and remedy, this episode shares not only personal insights but also a deep dive into the genetic and lifestyle factors that contribute to hair loss. From understanding the differences in how men and women experience androgenetic alopecia to the transformative power of specialized shampoos and early stylist assessments, we're unpacking the tools that can help you reclaim the confidence that comes from a fuller head of hair.

Our discussion is not just about surface solutions; we get to the root of the problem, looking at the hair growth cycle, the hormone DHT that wreaks havoc on our follicles, and how to intervene before it's too late. With a detailed look at the science behind hair health and the efficacy of various treatments and products, I'll guide you through the maze of factors affecting hair density and texture. As we explore the hormonal, aging, medical, and lifestyle influences, you'll learn how to differentiate between genetic hair loss and reversible thinning triggered by external stress.

My website to purchase the Eufora Thinning Regimen

Eufora Science of Thinning Hair

List of Shampoos

1. **Nioxin System Cleanser Shampoo:** Renowned for its three-part system designed to promote thicker and fuller hair, this shampoo effectively cleanses the scalp and hair follicles, creating an optimal environment for healthy hair growth.

2. **Regenepure DR Shampoo:** Featuring ketoconazole, an antifungal and DHT-blocking ingredient, this shampoo cleanses the scalp and supports hair growth, making it ideal for those dealing with dandruff and hair thinning.

3. **Ultrax Labs Hair Surge:** With a caffeine-infused formula, this shampoo stimulates hair follicles, promoting healthier and thicker hair over time by boosting blood circulation to the scalp.

4. **Pura d’Or Original Gold Label Anti-Thinning Shampoo:** Blending natural ingredients like biotin and argan oil, this shampoo nourishes and strengthens hair while reducing thinning, offering a gentle yet effective cleansing experience.

5. **Revita Hair Stimulating Shampoo:** Formulated with ketoconazole, caffeine, and other active ingredients, this shampoo promotes hair growth, reduces inflammation, and improves overall hair health, making it a comprehensive solution for hair th

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Speaker 1:

Everyone loses hair due to the natural cycle of hair growth. While some hair loss is normal, excessive and sudden hair loss could be a cause for concern, and today we're going to talk about a few of those causes and what you can do about it. Welcome to All About Hair, the go-to podcast for stylists, salon owners and anyone passionate about hairstyling. Whether you're a seasoned stylist refining your skills or a curious listener looking to enhance your hair knowledge, salon owners and anyone passionate about hairstyling Whether you're a seasoned stylist refining your skills or a curious listener looking to enhance your hair knowledge we've got you covered. I'm your host, denise Kylitz, a former stylist and salon owner with four award-winning salons under my belt. With over 30 years of experience, I've dedicated myself to helping stylists excel in foundational haircutting, color theory, client communication and more, enabling them to build six-figure careers they can be proud of. My mission is to uplift our industry by sharing valuable insights gathered along my journey. Get ready for enlightening discussions, captivating interviews and practical advice on marketing, sales and technical skills. This is the podcast all about hair. So thinning hair can be caused by various factors. We're going to talk about five common factors today, but first I want to say a lot of people approach me about thinning hair because it is concerning. I had that once happen to me. It was stress or I was eating wrong inflammation in the body, but I was losing patches of hair, called alopecia, and I went to the dermatologist and we tried shots in the head, I tried red light therapy, I tried different shampoos, different treatments. So today I want to share with you what helped me and also some things that you might not have considered that might help you if you're suffering from hair loss, or if you know someone who is, or if one of your clients is suffering from hair loss. Okay, so we're just going to talk about that. Then we're also going to talk about my favorite product, and you guys know that I love Euphora and they have a thickening regime that we're going to talk about and why I love it so much. But we're also going to talk about a few other shampoos that are on the market and why you might choose them and if they're readily available to you, and we're also going to talk about some supplements that you might be able to take. So hopefully this podcast today will help you. The conversation will help you, steer you into a direction that you know might help. But, of course, if this is a concern of yours I am not a doctor I would definitely go see your dermatologist. Start with your hairstylist. Your hairstylist can actually tell if your hair is thinning inappropriately or in spots, because they're in there, right. But if there is something that's concerning you, please go to your dermatologist. They can help. If you're losing patches of your hair, that is a high cause of concern. It's usually caused by stress. However, it can be caused by other things. So let's get into this, okay.

Speaker 1:

Like we said, thinning hair can be caused by various factors. One of the most common and the most probably significant factor is genetics. Yeah, your family, right, male and female, the pattern of baldness if you don't know that, males and females, men and women, have different patterns of baldness. Men, you can see they have that receding hairline and they tend to go thin out around the receding hairline. Women tend to thin out on their part line and you see that a little bit more and it just gets thinner and thinner. So this type of thinning is also known as androgenetic alopecia. It can result in gradual hair loss and thinning over time. Can you do anything about that? You can slow it down by using different shampoos, making sure that you're not using products that actually clog your hair follicle. Your hair follicle is actually that little hole in your scalp where your hair grows out of, just in case you didn't know that, because I'm probably going to say that word many times throughout this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, number one genetics. Number two hormonal changes. Now, as a woman, your hormones fluctuate many times throughout your lifetime Puberty, pregnancy, menopause. There's also a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome and this can lead to thinning hair. But hormones in your body Men have hormonal changes too, so don't get me wrong. But women, five or six times, your hair will actually change and it'll change. It'll get thinner or it could change the texture of your hair. I've had a lot of people ask me about that. Hey, my hair texture is not the same. Well, it could be a hormonal issue going on in your body. Hormonal imbalances affect hair growth cycle and this leads to shedding and reduced hair density. And we're going to talk about the hair growth cycle in just a few minutes and what that is and why you should be concerned with this. Okay, if you feel like you have a hormonal imbalance, get your blood work done. Have your doctor check it out. There's things that you can do to help with that, okay.

Speaker 1:

Number three the different factors of thinning hair age. Yeah, as people age, their hair naturally becomes finer and it starts to thin. In everybody. It's just due to the hair growth cycle. It's just a natural occurrence. Decreased production of hair follicles age. Now can you do something about this? Absolutely Using the correct shampoos, not using cheap products on your scalp again clogging the hair follicles, things like that. Okay.

Speaker 1:

The fourth cause of thinning hair can be medical conditions. Yeah, certain medical conditions and their treatments can cause thinning hair as a side effect. That can be thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata, scalp infections. Autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata, scalp infections. Nutritional deficiencies and some chemotherapies or radiation therapy for cancer Not all, but some. There's treatments for all of this, okay.

Speaker 1:

Then the fifth one is lifestyle factors. Poor lifestyle choices, such as excessive stress Bingo big one. Okay. Improper nutrition, crash dieting, smoking, excessive hairstyling or use of harsh hair products and lack of proper hair care can weaken the hair shaft and disrupt the hair growth cycle, which leads to thinning hair. Let's talk about a couple of those, just real quick. Excessive stress this is probably one of the most that I see. Something very stressful will happen in your life. Okay, like um gosh, it could be anything. I even hate to go down that road. But maybe a loved one dies or you get a divorce or I don't know something pretty, you know, stressful. You got fired from work.

Speaker 1:

About two to three months later you might notice some excessive hair loss because it takes that long for your hair growth cycle to go through its course and if you had excessive stress and it constricts the hair follicles, you'll notice that same with improper nutrition, crash dieting If all of a sudden you just deprive your body of the nutrients it needs, it's gonna hold on to things okay, so it's not gonna allow your hair's gonna fall out along with some other things. But you know how some people they have that surgery for their stomach. You know it shrinks their stomach and they all of a sudden aren't eating very much. They're like drinking protein shakes. You'll notice that their hair starts thinning too. So they might be losing weight, but their hair is thinning.

Speaker 1:

And then harsh hair products. I see this one a lot. You use products that contain like wax, just resins in them that actually like a lot of cheap hairsprays. Okay, I'm not going to name products, but cheap hairsprays, cheap conditioners. They actually have products in there that build up over time, that actually clog your hair follicle and makes it so you can't grow your hair. Keep that in mind. Yeah, that's a. That's a big one. People always ask what's the difference in price for good hair products versus that. Well, that's a huge one. Okay, the what they're made out of.

Speaker 1:

Let's really dive into some of the causes, what you can do about it. Like we said, thinning hair can happen because of things like your genes. You know what you inherit, what you eat, stress, certain medicines and getting older. But one big reason for thinning hair is a hormone called DHT DHT a lot of people don't talk about this and they don't know about this, but DHT is something that your body makes and it's important for making you look more grown up, if you will. It's a hormone that happens in males, mostly when they're going through puberty, and it's almost like the male growth hormone, if you will. But as you get older and it's in females too, okay, females have testosterone, things like that, in their system. But as you get older, it can cause problems with your hair and it messes up the way your hair grows and it makes your hair follicles remember where your hair grows from smaller, and this means your hair gets thinner and falls out more easily. Okay, so remember this DHT.

Speaker 1:

Dht basically makes your hair go through a cycle where it grows for less time, rests for more time and falls out quicker. I know does not sound good at all. Over time, this cycle can make your hair stop growing altogether in some places, resulting in alopecia sometimes, or receding haine or thinning at the crown area. You know, you see the bald spot in men's hair. So to fight this, there's several treatments that stop your body from making too much DHT. We're going to talk about that. Okay, they also give your hair and your scalp what they need to stay healthy and grow new hair. These treatments include things like special shampoos and treatments made with ingredients that help keep your hair healthy and prevent it from falling out. So by using these treatments, you can give your hair the best chance to grow strong and healthy, even as you get older. So we're going to discuss some of the science behind losing your hair and what you can do about it.

Speaker 1:

Research indicates that the primary reason behind most premature hair loss is a genetic sensitivity to DHT. Dht is known as androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness. What exactly is DHT? Well, get ready. Dht stands for dihydrotestosterone. Yes, it is a form of testosterone and, yes, women have testosterone too, just like what I was talking about. This is a potent androgen hormone, crucial for developing masculine characteristics during youth. However, in adults, genetic sensitivities to DHT can lead to undesirable effects, such as pattern baldness.

Speaker 1:

The enzyme 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone into DHT in various tissues, including the skin and hair follicles, interrupting the natural hair growth cycle and follicle health. Okay, stay with me here. I know that's a mouthful, but pretend like you have your five alpha reductase on one side, your testosterone on the other side. Okay, they're on this playground, they're playing right, and when they get together and they play together, they actually create DHT. We don't want that to happen. So what we want to do is we want to build a fence in between the reductase and the testosterone so they can't form the DHT, and so the products that we want to use form this fence. Does that make sense? Can you imagine that with me? Okay, so that's what we want to happen.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about I keep saying the growth phase. Let's talk about the growth phase of your hair, and then we'll talk about how DHT goes into the growth stage. Okay, first you have the antigen phase, which is the growing phase of your hair. This is the active phase of hair growth, where your hair follicles are busy producing new hair. Your hair can grow about half an inch every month when it's in this stage.

Speaker 1:

This stage usually lasts for several years, depending on factors like genetics and overall health. In a healthy individual that's not prone to baldness. Then we have the transition phase, which is called the catagen phase. So after the growing phase, your hair enters this transitional period. During this phase, your hair follicles shrink and your hair growth slows down, and this usually just lasts for a few weeks. And then it goes into the resting phase, or the telogen phase. This is where your hair follicles are at rest. No new growth occurs during this phase and your existing hair is just hanging out, and this phase lasts for a few months.

Speaker 1:

And then we have the shedding phase, the exogen phase. This phase is often considered part of the telogen phase, the resting phase, but it's the shedding phase and it's when your hair naturally sheds, making way for new hair to grow in the same hair follicle. So you have one hair follicle and only one hair could grow out of that hair follicle on your head at one time. Now shedding is just a normal process and most people lose around 50 to 100 hairs a day. That is normal activity. If it's more than that, if you have gobs, then that's when you become concerned. So, after the shedding phase, this cycle repeats itself and new hair begins to grow from the follicles, starting the antigen phase all over again. So this cycle just keeps repeating like a circle. So, in simple terms, your hair goes through phases of active growth, transition, rest and shedding, with each phase playing a role in the overall health and growth of your hair. Now, not every single follicle follows the same cycle, so that's why your hair doesn't just all fall out and then grow back on. This is taking place all over your head at different times.

Speaker 1:

With this cycle in mind, let's talk about how DHT plays a role in these phases. Dht interrupts the natural cycle of the hair follicles. By shortening the growth phase, it reduces the time available for your hair to grow. So more follicles transition to the resting phase, where they're inactive and eventually shed. With fewer follicles entering the antigen phase and more entering the telogen phase or the resting phase, hair thinning and hair loss become more noticeable. That makes sense, right.

Speaker 1:

As the DHT binds to the androgen receptors in the hair follicles, it causes them to shrink. So what is that, denise? What's an androgen receptor? Well, it's inside the hair follicles. So if you're thinking about like planting a tree and the roots of the tree, pretend like that's your hair bulb. Actually, actually, more like if you think of a green onion growing in the ground, that's more like a hair bulb. Okay, so it's like that little tiny bulb under the dirt. You've got a little tiny bulb under your skin and that is your hair bulb. If you've ever pulled out your hair and you see like a little ball on the tip of it, that's what I'm talking about, that little hair bulb. So when DHT gets in there, it binds to the receptors inside of your hair follicle and it causes that little hair ball to shrink. Yeah, I know, imagine this. And this results in you producing thinner and weaker hair that's prone to breakage.

Speaker 1:

Again, you don't want that DHT to get into your hair follicle. And this is all done on the molecular level. It's not like you have DHT that you put on your scalp. This is actually happening inside your body. So what you want to do is use a product that inhibits this. You don't want them playing, right. You don't want the testosterone playing with anybody else on the playground, right? So you want a fence. If the DHT gets in there, these shrunken follicles also receive a reduced supply of nutrients and oxygen, which actually makes it almost impossible to produce strong, healthy hair.

Speaker 1:

Every time your hair goes through a cycle, it's affected by DHT. After every cycle, your follicles may become so tiny and inactive that they are unable to produce any new hair at all, and that's what leads to permanent hair loss. That's called follicle atrophy. That means that your hair follicle will not produce a new hair and once that reaches atrophy, you can't grow any new hair. And how can you tell that that happens? Have you ever seen a bald man and his scalp is really shiny? Or a um, I'm using a man, because that's what we tend to look at, you know and they have a bald spot and it's real shiny. That real shiny area indicates that their hair follicles have shut down, closed up. However, if you catch this before that happens and you stop the DHT from getting in there and reducing your hair follicle and your hair bulb, you can actually grow healthier hair and it'll grow faster, not faster.

Speaker 1:

Longer meaning longer periods of time. So if you're genetically prone to lose your hair, you can hold this off Maybe not forever, but maybe forever. If you're genetically prone to lose your hair, you can hold this off Maybe not forever, but maybe forever If you're using these products all the time over time and you catch it early enough. But even if you are in this stage and you're noticing that your hair is getting thinner, you can maybe not reverse it. It depends on what's happening. If it's genetic, you can't reverse what's already happened, but you can sure in the heck slow it down Now. If it's caused by stress or nutrition or medication or something like that, you can definitely turn it around by using the right products.

Speaker 1:

But if it is a genetic thing and there's a lot out there I mean, I have thinning hair in my family. I remember my grandmother. You could totally see right through her hair to her scalp, you know, and she'd wear the curlers and everything to bed and you could totally see her scalp. And I know that I'm prone to thin hair and my hair is thin. However, I'm going to slow it down as much as I can right, hopefully, what this podcast is going to give you information for you as well. Let's talk about what can you do about it. Now that you know that, about DHT and you know the role that it plays in slowing your hair growth and and in the growing phases, let's talk about what can we do about it. Well, yes, we're going to talk about like 10 different products, but before we do that, I want to talk to you about my favorite product, and you guys know that I love Euphora products. If you don't know that, now you know.

Speaker 1:

My very favorite Euphora product is their thickening regime. It has not only helped me regrow my hair, it's helped a lot of my hair clients. It really really has. Now they have five products in their regime and, yes, they all work synergetically together to really give your scalp a healthy environment to grow hair. They all work together. They were designed that way. However, two of the products I really really, totally, totally recommend but if you want the full kit and caboodle, they sell it as a kit as well I'm gonna give you a link in my show notes so if you want more information on the thickening regime, that you can go on there and you can read all about the research, all the awards it's won.

Speaker 1:

You can see the pictures of the before and afters. You know they have a picture on there that within 17 weeks the hairline became thicker. Within nine weeks, the hair became denser on the scalp, and these are actual clients who have used their products. I do have pictures of some of my clients too in the past, and it's amazing. It's amazing Now. Does it work overnight? But it will work. It will work.

Speaker 1:

The Euphora Thickening Regimen uses the latest in botanical and clinical hair science to promote healthy hair growth from the inside out, without the use of pharmaceuticals. This complete system creates the ideal scalp environment for healthy hair growth, while improving strength, density and elasticity. And yes, I read that right off their website, but that's what it does. I mean, I was going to say can I say this any better? No, I can't say that any better. So what does it have that other products don't have? First of all, it has a thing called pro-aminopeptide complex, which is trademarked by them, and then they use their allostim cell therapy, which, oh my gosh, if you don't know about allostim cell therapy, it's when they take the cells from the aloe vera plant and, using stem cell therapy, they can activate it by like a thousand percent of what aloe vera has in it. Now, please don't quote me on that, because I'm not a scientist and I don't really like technical terms, but go on their website. The links in the show notes read about aloe stem cell therapy. It is amazing. They use it in some of their other products too, because it's an aloe vera based line and some other products they actually use the stem cell therapy in it. But anyway, let's get back to the thickening system.

Speaker 1:

So the pro-amino peptide complex. They work together with the allostim cell therapy. They work above and below the scalp surface to prevent the creation of DHT. That's what I said. They prevent DHT on your scalp and they also anchor the bulb of your hair your hair bulb, remember to the scalp. It actually makes your bulb a little bit fatter, so then that way it doesn't fall out as easy and it reduces the fallout of the shedding and it reduces follicle atrophy, which is incredible. And what I love about this is it continues to work, even if you don't use the product consistently. You do need to use the product, but some of these products that we're going to talk about only work when you use them. Euphoros is different than that. They also have a nano-sum nutrient technology that allows for deeper penetration and continuous release of powerful vitamins and antioxidants for even more effective performance of their products. Again, I read that off their website. Those are not my words, but it really is Okay.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the pro-aminopeptide complex. This helps create the optimal scalp environment for healthy hair growth. So what it does, it builds that fence. Remember what we've talked about? The fence on the playground. You've got the reductase on one side and the testosterone on the other side. The pro-aminopeptide is the fence. Yeah, it inhibits the, the playing of the five alpha reductase from playing with the testosterone and creating DHT. Yeah. And then it also nourishes and protects the scalp. So this helps prevent that follicle atrophy we were talking about. It anchors the bulb to the scalp and it reduces sebum production. So if you have oily hair, this is actually wonderful to use. So it helps reduce the sebum on your scalp and also helps with that appearance of that shiny scalp and anybody who's got thinning hair knows the deal with a shiny scalp. You don't want a shiny scalp.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about the aloe stem cells. It's produced by activating the aloe plant's natural self-healing mechanisms, which then, in turn, offers a concentrated dose of active ingredients to the hair and the scalp, promoting optimal health and growth. Remember when I said like a thousand times more active. That's what that allostim cells, that therapy does. And then the nanosome nutrients it supplements the hair follicle with the coenzyme Q10, which we need for healthy growth, and it maintains the efficiency of the hair follicle. And it also helps energize the hair growth cells by modifying mitochondrial DNA damage induced by free radicals. Again, I read that, so forgive me for mispronouncing the words, but, as you can see, there's a lot of science behind this and they have won awards for the science behind this.

Speaker 1:

And again, euphora products they have no paraben in them, no harsh sulfates, no mineral oil. You can be sure that there is nothing in the products that don't need to be in the products. There's no excess water or anything like that. They're not watered down. Okay, so let's talk about the five products that are in this system. Remember when I told you two of them are my favorite. If you use all five products, you're going to get them the best benefits from it, but if you can't afford all five products for whatever reason, or you don't want all five products, I'm going to recommend the two that I recommend. Okay, so first let's talk about the five products.

Speaker 1:

First, you have your cleansing treatment, and this is basically a shampoo and it creates optimal scalp environment and what I like to say is that a shampoo actually gets in there and it gets into your hair follicle and it shampoos out the DHT. It really doesn't, but I like to imagine that's what it does. So I love the cleansing treatment and then the conditioning treatment. This transforms fine limp hair into thicker looking hair with shine and softness. Now the thing about the conditioning treatment it really is designed for your scalp, for the environment of your scalp, to grow healthier hair. So if you have longer hair and you really need a conditioning treatment, I would probably put this conditioning treatment on your scalp which I hardly ever recommend, because I usually don't recommend putting conditioner on your scalp, but this doesn't have much conditioning to it and then use a heavier conditioner on your mid-shaft and ends if you've got longer hair. But if you've got short hair say, you're just getting over chemo or radiation and your hair is just growing back totally use this conditioning treatment for all your hair.

Speaker 1:

Then they have something called a thickening serum and this is a lightweight styling solution that helps deliver the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. The thickening serum is not actually. It doesn't help grow your hair, it is just a temporary product to make it look like you have fuller hair. It actually uses a tapioca starch in there to create a denser looking hair shaft kind of thing I'm trying to think of the right words and you can actually see this under a microscope. It actually does make the hair appear thicker, each individual strand.

Speaker 1:

Now let's move on to the scalp treatment. This is the maximum dose of pro-amino cell complex. This works above and below the scalp to nourish, protect and deliver essential nutrients for healthy hair growth. And if you haven't guessed yet, just by what I just said, this is one of those products that I would highly recommend. And then they also have vitamins, the nutritional support that you can actually take, and it gives you the right balance of nutrients. I don't know if you guessed it or not.

Speaker 1:

What two products, just by me describing them, I would probably recommend? It would be the cleansing treatment, because to me that gets the DHT off your scalp and out of your hair, and of course, the scalp treatment, because it has the maximum dose of the pro-aminosal complex. Yeah, those are the two I would recommend. There is a link in the show notes that goes to my website, denisekylitzcom, and then it goes to the where you can buy the Euphora products off my website, and when you do that, I actually get a little bit of commission from that. So I just want to let you know that it really helps me, it helps my channel and I think you're going to love it. Also, it tells me if you've bought any of the products so I can reach out to you and say, hey, how'd you like it? Cause I still love to be a hairstylist and recommend products to people. A hairstylist and recommend products to people. I've explained the DHT. I hope I've explained my favorite products to you and I hope you could see why I feel like those are the best of the best.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now I'm going to talk about because I've done a little bit more research from other resources I'm going to. We're going to talk about some supplements for thinning hair and why you want to make sure that you have these in your supplements, and then we're going to talk about a few other products that you might consider using for thinning hair if you don't want to try euphora products. Okay, okay, so the three supplements that are often associated with thinning hair vitamin D. This plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair and scalp. Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D can contribute to female pattern baldness. Nutrafol, if you've heard of that, is a supplement launched in 2016, and it's highly recommended by dermatologists for hair growth. Ensuring your diet includes adequate vitamin D can promote hair growth, especially if your hair loss is related to nutritional deficiencies. Okay, there you have it. So if you feel like you don't have enough vitamin D in your diet, for whatever reason, make sure that you are getting a supplement of vitamin D, and if you want a supplement, that's just for thinning hair. Nutrafol, which I've tried before in the past and it is really. I don't have anything bad to say about it at all, and you see the commercials for Nutrafol on TV all the time. However, it is a bit pricey, but I you know this day and age what isn't pricey. So, but they do have men's, women's, after you have a baby. They have different ones for different people, different, different formulas. So take a look Again. I'll leave a link.

Speaker 1:

The second supplement you want for thinning hair biiotin. You've probably heard that a thousand times, right? So why is biotin so important? First of all, biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, and it is essential for hair growth. It is widely discussed in the beauty world for its effectiveness in promoting longer, healthier and fuller hair. Why is that? Because biotin increases circulation to the scalp, aiding in hair growth and preventing thinning. It's a crucial component of keratin, which is vital for hair, skin and nails. Correcting a biotin deficiency can help treat hair loss and promote hair growth.

Speaker 1:

If you feel like you're not getting enough biotin, they have biotin out there. You can go to any pharmacy, any drugstore. They have it at every price point. So I'm not going to tell you what to get. I do know that Nutrafol and I do know that Euphora their vitamins both contain biotin and plenty of it. So, all right, here's a. Here's one that I have not heard of before, and it's pumpkin seed oil. Right, scientifically proven to stimulate hair growth and aid those with thinning hair, pumpkin seed oil is a valuable supplement ingredient. It's known to be effective on its own or as part of a supplement blend. In comparison to other supplements like collagen, elastin and coconut oil or vitamin D, biotin, pumpkin seed oil may offer more significant benefits for hair health. Hmm, see, I've never heard of that pumpkin seed oil, so I don't really even know what advice to give you on that. I read that in an article and because of that it kind of led me down this rabbit hole of, hey, hair loss, thinning hair.

Speaker 1:

In conclusion to the supplements, I want you to make sure that it is crucial to consult your doctor or a dermatologist to find the best solution for your thinning hair. Do not take my podcast as medical advice, because I am not a health professional at all. That would be my twin sister. She's in the health field, not me. I'm in the hair field. Anyway, you know a balanced diet will take you far on this. But if you feel like you need to supplement, definitely. I know I take a supplement of vitamin D and biotin. I also take collagen drink, a collagen drink which I love. I guess I could put that link in there too.

Speaker 1:

We're going to move on to different shampoos, because if euphoria is not your go-to, let's talk about some that you might see the drugstore or you know they're a little bit more widely available. You might see them at Ulta or whatever, and one might work for you better than the other. So we're just going to talk about a few of them. One that you've probably heard of is Nioxin. Okay, so Nioxin shampoo and it is known for its three-part system, designed to promote thicker and fuller hair. So what it does is it effectively cleanses the scalp and the hair follicles. I do believe that it cleans it out and create and cleans out the DHT as well, so this creates the optimal environment for healthy hair growth.

Speaker 1:

I've used Nioxin in the past. I don't have anything bad to say about it. They have different systems for different, different hair types. Uh, if it's color treated and different parts of your thinning journey. So if you're just noticing hair loss, they have a system for that. If you notice a lot of hair loss or if you're trying to grow back, they have a system for that. If you notice a lot of hair loss or if you're trying to grow back, they have different systems. So I would talk to your hairstylist about that. I don't know if you can get Nioxin over the counter. You might be able to get it at, like Ulta you might. I think I might've seen it there.

Speaker 1:

Another one which I'm really. I would like to try this shampoo. I've not tried this yet. It's called Regenapur DR shampoo. This features the ketoconazole, which is an antifungal agent Sorry, I can't pronounce that very well and it's a DHT blocking ingredient. I did not know that. I'm sorry I'm reading this right now, but I did not know that that ingredient was a DHT blocking ingredient. I did not know that. I'm sorry I'm reading this right now, but I did not know that that ingredient was a DHT blocking ingredient. Hmm, because the reason why I'm I'm saying that is because Nizorol has that ingredient in there. Nizorol, I've, I've, um. I've recommended that to a lot of people who have dermatitis or some form of psoriasis on their scalp, because it really does work and I use that a lot too. I just didn't realize it was a DHT blocking ingredient. So that's kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

It actually helps with dandruff and hair thinning. So if you can't find this Regenapur DR shampoo, you can probably find the Nizoral. You can get that at Walmart, target, cvs, wherever you buy your shampoo. All right, another one is Ultrax Labs Hair Surge. It actually has caffeine in this shampoo, so it helps to stimulate hair follicles, promoting healthy and thicker hair. Over time, it boosts the blood circulation in your scalp.

Speaker 1:

Now I don't know how, about how I feel about that? Never used it, never even heard of the shampoo. Caffeine infused formula kind of makes me think, uh, I don't know. It's kind of like those lip plumpers that has peppermint oil in them. It's like come on, all you're doing is feeling it. I don't know, though, I could be wrong. If you want to try it, try it, but it doesn't say anything that it blocks DHT or anything.

Speaker 1:

All right, let me see Um here, revita Hair Stimulating Shampoo. I have a list of 10. I'm not going to go through all of them. I might put them in my show notes in case you want them. But Revita Hair Stimulating Shampoo this has the ketocon. Why can't I say that? Because it's a long word and I am not scientific-y. So ketoconazole that's that same one that that other one had. That's great for dandruff, psoriasis, things like that has that ingredient, it has caffeine and it has other active ingredients, so it promotes hair growth, reduces inflammation and improves overall hair health. Makes it a comprehensive solution for hair thinning. I'll tell you this might be one that I would like to try Revita hair stimulating shampoo and I will try to find the links to all these so I can put this in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how about Avalon organics vitamin whoops, sorry. Avalon organics biotin B complex thickening shampoo Whoa, that is a mouthful. It's emphasizing biotin, so it has a lot of biotin in it. Now, I don't know how biotin can actually absorb into your skin to help promote hair growth, but I'm sure the scientists behind this know a lot more than I do.

Speaker 1:

Here's one that you might be familiar with Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Scalp Care Anti-Thinning Root Lift Foam. Unlike traditional shampoos, this foam visually boosts hair thickness by adding volume and lift at the roots, enriched with tea tree oil for a healthy scalp. Huh, I don't know if that's a shampoo or not. I think that's a. It sounds like it's a mousse, but I could be wrong because I don't use Paul Mitchell products, but it's very popular and it's easy to find.

Speaker 1:

Here's my last one I'm going to go share with you the Kerastase Densifique, densifique, bain Densité shampoo. Why do people try to get so fancy with their names of their shampoos? It's a Kerastase shampoo and it's crafted for thinning hair. It adds density and body to the hair, plumping and strengthening individual hair fibers for visibly thicker and fuller looking locks. That's interesting. Might give that a try as well. Anyway, that's a few shampoos. I do have a list of 10. I will put them in my show notes. I just didn't want to go bore you to death with descriptions of shampoo, right.

Speaker 1:

But when you are selecting a shampoo for thinning hair, consider the key factors like the ingredients. If they have a DHT blocker which I would highly recommend you get one with a DHT blocker see if they have some kind of scalp circulation stimulation. Make sure they're sulfate free. Make sure they have some moisture to them. Make sure the pH balance is there. Make sure they have clinical studies that back all this up. Look at the user reviews. Make sure that it doesn't have any harmful additives. Make sure it's good for your hair type so you don't want to use something that's designed for really, really thick, dry hair If you've got fine, fine, fragile hair right.

Speaker 1:

And remember that it takes consistency and patience With any of these I would give it a good three months before you see any results With any of them, even the Euphora products. Three months, that's 90 days. I would take a before picture before you start using them and then maybe every 30 days take another picture just to remind yourself and just to see if it's working. But I would give it at least three months and remember, always consult with your healthcare professional or dermatologist for personalized advice tailored to your specific hair care needs.

Speaker 1:

Do not take my podcast recommendations as medical information. I am not in the medical field. All I know is I research products, I use products, I love hair and I love talking about hair, and I do know that thinning hair is a concern, and especially if you're my age or older or getting to be my age, which I'm 56. So if you're getting up there, if you've hit menopause, hormones are affecting you, then I'm pretty sure that thinning hair is probably affecting you as well, and if it's not, you might have clients. If you're a stylist, you might have clients that have thinning hair and you want to give them some advice. So hopefully, this conversation has given you something to think about.

Speaker 1:

If you need more information, reach out. I can guide you. I think I'm going to put all this information in a PDF on my website so it could be easily downloaded, because it's a lot. It's a lot. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this topic I know it's a big one and thanks again for listening. And until next time, remember, when you know better, you do better and go out and make it a great week. Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of All About Hair. Don't forget to subscribe to stay updated on future episodes and to continue your journey with us. If you have any questions, feedback or topics you'd like us to cover, feel free to reach out. You can find us on Instagram or our website at denisekeilitzcom. Until next time, remember when you know better, you do better.

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